Lab Packing

The safe management of chemicals coming from facilities like R&D operations, hospitals, and pharmaceutical labs, demands a combination of advanced technical skills and professional experience.

It takes a lot of persistency and consistency to stay compliant and avoid violating regulations and acquiring costly penalties when managing these types of chemicals. It takes more than just a few people to oversee the process. It requires, but not limited to things like:

  • Regulatory & Auditing Support
  • Employee Training
  • Comprehensive Onsite Service
  • Program Oversight
  • Qualified Technical Staff

Inspection services and expertise are required in areas like lab packing, waste collection, consolidation, and the transportation and proper disposal of these chemicals.

Lab Packing Services

Any lab, regardless of its size, must manage its chemicals while focusing on both safety and compliance. It calls for an effective system for performing tasks like,
Managing Inventory

  • Segregation & Packing
  • Compatibility-based Chemical Consolidation
  • Reactives Handling
  • Cylinder Transportation & Management
  • Onsite Collection

The main goal of removing and safely managing contaminated, outdated, unidentified, or leaking chemicals is shared across these tasks.

Lab packing requires extensive regulatory knowledge with lots of chemical expertise. There must be a very close attention to details.

Lab packing services have been designed to remove both hazardous and non-hazardous chemicals such as:

  • Pool Chemicals
  • Aerosols
  • Inks, Paints Disposal, Paint Thinners, Varnish Strippers, Dyes
  • Unidentified or Potentially Unsafe Chemicals Within Your Facility
  • Acids, Reagents, and Bases
  • Cleaning & Disinfecting Agents

Technicians must be able to properly classify the waste products according to the regulations laid out by the DOT (Dept. of Transportation) and the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency).

It takes highly trained technicians to inspect waste generation, treatment, and the storage areas, to ensure everything is done in accordance with the regulatory permits. Inspections all need to be carefully documented.

Disposing of lab chemicals is a process that deserves to be handled by experts. Improperly disposing of laboratory chemical can lead to fines and even criminal penalties. Chemicals are required to be transported and disposed of by a federally licensed and insured vendor. can help you comply with all the policies when it comes to lab packing.

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